Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health
Chaired by the European Commission’s department for health and food safety (DG SANTE), this Advisory Group ensures that proposed European policies and legislation on food and feed safety take into consideration the opinions and needs of relevant stakeholders along
the food chain (farmers, food manufacturers and processors, retailers and caterers, final consumers). 45 stakeholder organisations participate in the Group and meet the European Commission in ad hoc working parties and plenary sessions to exchange views.
For more information, please visit:
Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health, European Commission
EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
This Platform, established in 2005 by the European Commission, brings together food and drink industry, health, sports and civil society organisations willing to commit themselves to contribute in some way to reducing unhealthy lifestyles and imbalanced diets. The purpose of the Platform is to sustain a coordinated action plan to tackle overweight and obesity, based on voluntary commitments by its members. Serving Europe is a founding member of the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health and contributes to its goal through its voluntary commitments on food reformulation; on consumer information; and, on offering varied and healthier options to customers.
For more information, please visit:
EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
Food Safety Platform
The Food Safety Platform is an informal forum that groups key European stakeholder organisations with an interest in EU policies and legislation on food and feed safety. The Platform facilitates the exchange of information and communication between its members on safety issues of mutual interest. Serving Europe is a member of this Platform, together with representatives of the European food and drink industries, retailers and the distribution chain, the farming community, consumers and others.
The European Payment Users Alliance
The European Payment Users Alliance was created by EuroCommerce and other stakeholders to defend the interests of users of payment systems (businesses and consumers) as the EU institutions prepared legislative measures and adopted the Multilateral Interchange Fees (MIFs) Regulation and the revision of the Payment Services Directive (PSD). The Alliance is an informal gathering of relevant stakeholders to facilitate an exchange of information on the issue of payments and to agree on a common advocacy position. Serving Europe is a member of this Platform, together with other European stakeholder groups such as the retail sector, the union of small and medium sized enterprises, the hotel, catering and restaurant sector, the petrol retailers and the consumers group.
Packaging Chain Forum
As its name suggests, this informal grouping brings together the different EU-level representative groups for the packaging chain. This includes material suppliers to the packaging industry, packaging manufacturers, producers of packaged goods, wholesalers and retailers. The aim of the Forum is to discuss and share views on regulatory issues impacting the packaging chain so as to promote a high level of consensus on the best course of action for EU policy and legislation. This consensus-building on key issues facilitates clear, industrywide communications to the EU institutions on critical issues.