Serving Europe celebrates World Food Safety Day!

Food safety has always been of paramount importance for Serving Europe member companies. Branded food and beverage service chains are going the extra mile to ensure staff safety and meet customer expectations, often going above and beyond what is required by law. Each member of Serving Europe has its own quality assurance systems and requests that their suppliers are routinely audited for health, safety and animal welfare practices by independent auditors. Staff follow regular and thorough training so that they are certified to handle food with the necessary care and attention to hygiene and safety.

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for constant vigilance when it comes to health and safety. To help halt the spread of the virus, our members are now implementing even stricter processes and measures to protect the health of customers and of the people working in their outlets and operations, particularly for staff facing the public.
Serving Europe calls on the European institutions, national governments and all actors in the food chain to continue to work together to achieve a safe environment for all.